Pandemic Corona Virus

Not ever something I thought I’d be writing about…  Most times like now I`d be writing to tell you about a new product we are working on for release..and I have some, but today-

Uncharted waters we as a world are all in now and I urge you to take this with the utmost seriousness.  As it stands, we could all loose someone we know and the age ranges are dropping for U.S. citizens,  now 50 and below are topping the numbers instead of the earlier numbers where it was 70+.  Take all the precautions you can to protect you and your family, trust that the Government is doing its best to control the spread and take it with a grain of salt that some of your civil liberties are being taken temporarily, its only to protect you and yours.  As I write I have heard that the national guard is being assembled on our closet military installation ( Selfridge AFB ) I can only assume they are preparing to invoke a curfew.  We, (bigbrakeupgradeLLC) were having the best year of our history as was the global market and I want to thank each and every person who has trusted us with your braking needs, thank you.  I look forward to working with you in the future and will do all I can within my power to continue to produce and ship our products.  I understand some will have significant losses (jobs, education, opportunity and possibly family or friends)  we will be contained for the foreseeable future and hopefully we can stay safe and civil, that way maybe we can spend more time with our loved ones we have now, the ones who really count.

Be safe my friends



We have been put into a stay at home order state wide read order here


We are continuing business taking all the safety precautions possible with your orders.  To limit exposure chances we are now having outgoing shipments picked up rather than delivery to specific carriers because of the state order, this can add a day to your outbound shipment once it is completed.

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